Teachers are tasked with one of the most important duties imaginable, to educate our children and create a new generation of leaders, thinkers, and achievers. However, classroom needs go well beyond the limited state-allocated funding teachers receive for student supplies.
- The U.S. Census Bureau (2014 data) estimates that 18.4% of school age children in Madison County live in poverty.
- The VOICES for Alabama’s Children, 2015 Alabama Kids Count Data Book, reports that 42.7% of public school students in Madison County qualify for free or reduced lunch.
- For 2015-2016, public school teachers received $373.79 for student materials from the state.
All too often our public school teachers are faced with the choice of spending money from their own paychecks to provide critical supplies for their students, or letting their students do without in order to provide for their own families.
This is where Free 2 Teach steps in. Free 2 Teach operates a teacher resource store filled with supplies funded and donated by the community, and made available for free to more than 3,800 public school teachers and their 53,000 students in the Huntsville City, Madison City, and Madison County public school systems. Each teacher who shops at the Free 2 Teach store leaves with an average of $575 in free supplies that will directly benefit students in two ways, 1) enhanced classroom instruction – benefitting all students, and 2) teachers are able to put school supplies directly into the hands of the underserved students in their classrooms.
Unfortunately, we cannot do this alone. We rely on local organizations who share our passion to give back to our community. Together, we can ensure that all of our students are equipped for success and prepared to be our community’s next generation of leaders. We are hopeful that you will be one of those organizations who will partner with Free 2 Teach in support of this critical mission.